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Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature )

₹80.00 0 Off ₹80.00

Shop Pure Natural and Organic Malaivel Herbal Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) which helps to improves digestion, cleanses throat, useful in cough, balances all the three Doshas.


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Page content:


Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) is a best medicinal herb having lots of curative properties. The Botanical name of this herb is senna occidentalis or cassia occidentalis. This Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) Plant belongs to the family of fabaceace. Cassia occidentalis or senna occidentalis is a perennial shrub that grows in tropical and temperate climates. This Plant is mostly found in rainy season in between the plants, roadsides, waste lands all over TamilNadu in India. This Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) plant grows up to height of 3 feet. The flowers of this plant are yellow in color. Other names of this Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) herbs are coffee senna, stinking weed, kasundi, mogdad coffee, etc. Seeds of this Medicinal shrub are commonly used as an adulterant in coffee. The whole plants of Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ), seeds, leaves roots has lot of nutrients like apigenin, amodiene, emodin, quercetin, amino acids, volatile oil, oleic acid, tannin, linoleic acid, minerals like magnesium, calsium, iron, etc.


Product description :


Introduction :


Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) is a best medicinal herb having lots of curative properties. The Botanical name of this herb is senna occidentalis or cassia occidentalis. This Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) Plant belongs to the family of fabaceace. Cassia occidentalis or senna occidentalis is a perennial shrub that grows in tropical and temperate climates. This Plant is mostly found in rainy season in between the plants, roadsides, waste lands all over TamilNadu in India.


Ingredients :


Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) or senna occidentalis (Botanical name of Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature )).


Benefits of Malaivel Herbal Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ):


* The leaves of Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) herb is very effective in treating obesity and constipation.


* This will cure jaundice fully without any side effects.


* It helps to Cure for jaundice.


Highlights :


* Take a hand full of Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) leaves, wash it and the cut into small pieces. 


* Add green gram dhal or red gram dhal, cumin seeds, pepper, green chilli, tomato, small onion and Make this into gravy and add some ghee for seasoning.


* we recommend you to have this gravy twice a week for two months to reduce your body weight. You will get unbelievable results. 


* Coffee made out of seeds of this Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) plant will help to cure digestive problems, liver problems and prevents type 2 diabetes.


Fine prints :


The Consumption details and benefits of Malaivel Herbal Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor or dietician before use.




This Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) plant grows up to height of 3 feet. The flowers of this plant are yellow in color. Other names of this Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ) herbs are coffee senna, stinking weed, kasundi, mogdad coffee, etc. Seeds of this Medicinal shrub are commonly used as an adulterant in coffee. The whole plants of Mevanelly Whole Plant (Binomial Nomenclature ), seeds, leaves roots has lot of nutrients like apigenin, amodiene, emodin, quercetin, amino acids, volatile oil, oleic acid, tannin, linoleic acid, minerals like magnesium, calsium, iron, etc.


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